Each night, live tunes
from the library's Steinway piano stream through to La Pagode de Cos, the inn's
sleek, throughout the day brasserie eatery, where we eat, a Champagne evening
tea and sentimental flame lit supper.
Le Gabriel, the inn's two Michelin star top notch food safe house which serves French works of art injected
with Japanese flavors – La Pagode de Cos is likewise kept running by official
culinary specialist Jerome Banctel and pulls in both inn visitors and non

eatery is a gesture to Cos d'Estournel, one of the wine bequests having a place
with Michel Reybier it's the main house in the Bordeaux district with oriental
in silk upholstered easy chairs, by dumbfounding Pakistani onyx sections, we
think about a menu affected by customary Bordeaux cooking, with any semblance
of lievre a la royale a sort of bunny meal among the alternatives.

full for the four course Carte Blanche €95, a tasting menu that apparently
gives the kitchen free rule to serve us what they wish contingent upon what
deliver is advertise new and moving that day simply tell your server any
aversions or hypersensitivities and away they go.
a delight bouche of butternut squash and foie gras, we're served baked good
encircled poultry terrine, mackerel with potato waffle, pork ribs with
mushrooms and gnocchi, and a fig mille feuille a puff baked good treat with fig
sorbet. It's everything extremely fulfilling, and runs pleasantly with the full
bodied house red – a 2012 Cos d'Estournel vintage.

registration morning, I accomplish something I never regularly do in Paris:
skip le petit dejeuner. Normally I can't avoid pigging out on newly heated
croissants and torment au chocolat for breakfast be that as it may, maybe
blameworthy of over reveling these previous couple of days, I decline. Leaving
the lodging's peaceful, lavish air pocket one final time, I'm before long
remaining by the Champs Elysees with vehicles thundering and sounding their way
towards the Arc de Triomphe.
sit tight for a break in the rush hour gridlock at that point join the groups
rearranging down into the Champs Elysees Clemenceau Metro station, feeling like
I've quite recently swapped dream for the real world.